Full Name
Jennifer Wehling
Job Title
Director of Sustainability
HMC Architects
Speaker Bio
As an architect, Jennifer believes the designers of the built environment have a responsibility to protect the natural environment. She leverages her passion and experience to help teams push the limits of sustainability while honoring each project’s unique opportunities and constraints. In her 20+ years of experience, Jennifer has worked on a wide variety of project types and sizes, working with teams to integrate sustainable design strategies, focusing on the delicate balance of environmental, social, and economic issues alongside the budget, scope, and schedule of a project, while considering the project location, team experience, and client priorities. As HMC’s director of sustainability, Jennifer leads strategic initiatives for sustainable building firm-wide and aims to impact not just HMC’s designs, but its operations as well; guiding HMC in minimizing its footprint while maximizing its positive impact.
Jennifer Wehling